The month of January, 24 Hour Fitness Club members can show their card at Jamba Juice with a coupon (which was sent to Jeff's email) and receive a free Jamba Juice! We basically print off a coupon for each of us every day (and whoever else happens to be visiting: Mom, Dad, Brooke--they never ask to see the card). It has been great and we will be sad when this special ends. I don't know who will be more disappointed, me or Sienna. She loves Jamba Juice! Jamba Juice is all over the city, but I like to go when we're not in the city because then Sienna gets her own little cup and we don't have to share. I don't mind sharing, but Sienna doesn't really understand this concept and has a difficult time handing over the cup...

San Francisco has this unique law which prohibits restaurants and food service providers from using styrofoam. Yep, even the styrofoam cups Jamba Juice comes in. So, no more Jamba Juice in baby cups unless we are outside of the city. Bummer, because it is more convenient to get Jamba Juice in the city. San Francisco isn't as kid-friendly as they'd like to think. I know they are just trying to prevent us from getting cancer (that's what happens if you warm up your leftover food in styrofoam), but Jamba Juice should be okay, right? Oh well, there aren't that many days left anyway. But, it was great while it lasted. Nothing tastes as good as when it is free!
We have been loving all the free Jamba's... although I am getting tired of the Protein Berry Workout (the Nike one) and the Fit and Fruitful! I love the Acai Super Antioxidant one! And... I love that Sienna now loves the Jamba juices! I remember Daenen being about the same age and he would scope out the Jamba logo where ever we went and loved them:-) Funny Fun!!!!
Hey.. you should bring your own cup for her with a straw to Jamba and have them fill it up that way:-) Only in precious SF!!!!
I love Jamba Juice. How lucky for you to get them free! You are right... SF is not as kid-friendly as they think.
That's right! Nothing tastes as good as when it is free! She is getting so big! She is way too cute!
The problem with styrofoam has nothing to do with cancer, toxic chemicals or any other direct health risk. This is an urban legend. Indeed the problem is pretty much the opposite: it's so inert that it never biodegrades. Furthermore, it is not economical to recycle without heavy subsidies (which haven't existed for at least a decade), so every piece of polystyrene ends up as a permanent piece of waste. This has created a major problem, especially in our waterways.
So, that little "kid-friendly" cup that makes your life just slightly easier for five minutes will still be sitting, completely unchanged, in a landfill, by the stream in some park or wherever else you happen to toss it.
The problem isn't that SF isn't kid friendly: it's that people with kids suffer from induced narcissism and myopia.
BTW: Your daughter is adorable. I'm sure I'd be just as guilty. :-)
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