Jeff and I completed a half marathon yesterday for the first time. I can't believe we actually ran across the finish line! It was in Chico where Jeff's family lives and it was a beautiful day and course. His family was so nice to accommodate us, take care of Sienna (no strollers allowed in the race), cheer us on at the race, throw a BBQ post-race, and nurse us back to health. It has been fun training together as a family the past few months. Sienna was always a trooper riding in the jogger stroller as we went on long runs. I can see how running races can get addicting; we're already looking for our next race. I have to thank our friend/neighbor/trainer, Jenny, for encouraging us and providing great advice. Can't wait to do it again!

Jeff broke away from me and Jenny around mile 6 and finished under two hours at 1:58! Good job, Jeff!

We were not that far behind and finished at 2:09.
Way to go you running fool! Check you out! I want to do one:-) That is so great. Are you sore now? I can't wait to hear all about it!
How great for you guys! Running is fun, isn't it? Funny that you just ran a half; Brett and I are getting ready to run a half on Saturday in Moab. We are really excited. We did this race last year and loved it so much, we wanted to do it again. It's a lottery pick and hard to get into, so we were so glad to get in. There are about 5,000 people in the race, so it's pretty crowded, but so much fun. I've ran 6 1/2 marathons and loved all but one. I am thinking about a full marathon in June. I'll keep you posted. Congrats on a great time! Keep it up!
Check you out! Way to go! I wish I could do one, but I'm not a big fan of running 13 miles. :)
What an accomplishment! That is awesome! And to think, a lot of your training came right after you worked a 12 hour night shift! You guys are insane! But congrats! And way to go on the time, Jeff!
Thanks for the great race you guys! When do we start training for the full? And I agree, Cara is AMAZING for doing all those long training runs on zero hours of sleep. She is my hero!!!
That is a HUGE accomplishment! And I love that you and Jeff run together. Fun stuff.
You guys did great! I was so impressed! Cara and Jenny made it look easy...Jeff came pushing really hard! We loved spending time with all of you...and anytime you want to leave Sienna at Grandma's, I'm OK with that!
Love, Grandma
Way to go! That is so awesome. I am very impressed and a little jealous, you have inspired me.
Unbelievable!! What a great way to stay in shape and look forward to the next event! There's no way I could ever have done that... even when I was 20! How about a walking race???
You guys both deserve medals.
I am very impressed! I would love to do one with you, lets plan for a full one sometime :)
Wow-- you guys ran it fast. Impressive. They have a marathon in Rome next year I'm thinking of doing....you should come join me. I think you'll run faster than me though.
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