During these turbulent times in the economy who better to have lunch with than the Managing Director and Chief Investment Strategist for Morgan Stanley, David
Darst! Quite a lunch, and the conversation was good too. From left to right, yours truly, David
Darst, John Gannon (co-worker). You may recognize David from frequent interviews with
Bloomberg TV, and Fox News. Economic Outlook......you'll have to call me at work.

Cara picked me up from work and we decided last minute to swing by our favorite Thai restaurant,
Osha Thai. We quickly called them to place a to go order so we could just grab it on the way home, they are the fastest restaurant in the world. We then decided to dine in, so I called them back and told them we would be dining in, there seemed to be some confusion on the phone and the waitress hung up so I figured we would just order when we got there. When we arrived (less than 5 minutes later) our places were set and the food was on the table. It was like coming home after a long day at work and the dinner is on the table, and you know you don't have to do the dishes. It was amazing. I also need to add that when we arrived, we parked at a meter that had 18 minutes remaining, and we did not have any change. We planned on just making a run back to the car once we could get some change from the restaurant. So, to make a short story not too long, we were able to eat, pay, and get back to the car before the meter expired. Not bad....
Now that is living in the city! Way to maximize your time!
Cool, cool, you're in the big leagues now! I know you are great at your job!
love, mom
I am impressed with it all!! Pretty soon we'll be seeing Jeff on CNBC. Don't forget the little people.
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