While we were in Hawaii, my mom said Sienna would point to her diaper as if indicating she was going to dirty it and sure enough, a few minutes later, she would have a dirty diaper. After we got home I thought if she pointed to her diaper I'd put her on her potty to see what she'd do. One afternoon last week she pointed to her diaper, I rushed to take it off and sat her on her potty, and when she stood up, she had pooped in the potty! I couldn't believe it! I was in shock and still am! It was probably a fluke because a few days later she pointed to her diaper and after I pulled it off, she sat on the potty and kept standing up, looking to see if anything happened, which nothing ever did. Until yesterday. She pointed to her diaper and when she sat on her potty, she peed! I didn't think she'd be ready for this so soon. This girl is serious, but I have no idea what to do. And, I don't want to blow it. I'd love any tips or advice on what's worked for others...
I would just go along with her as long as she is still interested. Don't enforce it or she may loose interest. She may just end up potty training herself. Lucky duck.....maybe that will save you on having 2 in diapers.
No tips from me! I just want you to train my daughter when we are all in Newport! That is so awesome! Way to go Sienna!
So I am Robin's sister in law! I love checking your blog and have a little advice! I hope you don't mind:) I would devote a whole day to just her. Give her lots of her favorite drinks and put her in pretty underwear that she chooses. Take her often and she'll get the hang of it. The more liquid you give her the more she will have to go, so the more practice she will get. She is amazing to already be going potty! Congratulations on your new little one on the way!
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