Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dylan laughing

Dylan finds Sienna fascinating and loves watching her. If he hears her in the room, he starts scanning for her. She can really make him laugh (sometimes at other people's expenses)!


Mike and Laura said...

Way to take a hit for the team, Jeff! Love the giggles and laughs from ALL! :)

Claytie and Suzie said...

That's pretty cute! Sienna's gotten so big!

Elizabeth said...

My kids and I sat and watched this over and over. They love your kids! Dylan sure is a cutie!

Emily said...

Adorable. Annie and I have watched it at least ten times - she keeps saying "Dylan again" a soon as it's done. Thanks for the entertainment! They are both so cute.

Mom said...

That is so cute and made me smile all day! Good thing Sienna only gives love taps. Otherwise, Jeff would have to explain all those black and blue marks.

Amy said...

OH I love's way too cute. They both look so much bigger. Her hair has really grown in. Dylan still looks like a mini Jeff. What a cute family memory!! Love you guys, when are you coming out??

Trueman Family said...

I can't stop smiling! He has such a great laugh! Thanks for sharing!