We went to Southern California last week with Jeff's parents and brother and sister. We had a lot of fun hanging out on the beach, going to Disneyland, and seeing family and friends. We went to San Onofre twice and everyone surfed or tried surfing. We also went to Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. I think the highlight of our trip was Disneyland. Sienna was so excited and loved it!

My sister and her daughter met up with us at Disneyland in the morning. Sienna and Abby had so much fun together, especially at the Mickey Mouse Playhouse show.

Riding the carousel with Grandma

She really liked the Dumbo ride!

My favorite part of the day was watching her dance at the Street Party Parade. She was really into it and got out there with the dancers!

One of my friends from high school, Marisa, lives in Laguna and met up with us at Disneyland for a few hours. She showed us a different side of Disneyland I had never seen before: Princess Fantasy Faire!

Sienna was intrigued and acted like she was meeting a celebrity.

And, this little man loved the hot tub...

...and bananas!

Sienna loved playing in the sand with Uncle Bryce and Aunt Jamie!

Glenn also met up with us for a day of surfing at San Onofre.

We had so much fun and the week just flew by! Thanks to the Trueman's for helping out so much and letting me and Jeff sneak away to a movie! Can't wait to go back!
What an awesome vacation! It looks like so much fun, and I love all of Sienna's pictures, she is getting SO big! I'm pretty jealous you all got to be at Disneyland and the beach. Glad it was fun!
Thanks for the pics! I was waiting for more pics of the kids, and they are getting bigger! Dylan looks so adorable!
Vacations suit the Truemen! Dyl looks at home in the hot tub!
Thanks for the great time! We always love being together! We miss you!
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