Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sienna's 1st Day of Preschool

Sienna had her first day of preschool on Wednesday, August 25th, while Jeff and I were still in Maui. I felt bad missing her first day, but it was probably better to have Grandma and Aunt Jamie take her. She didn't cry (and I wasn't there for her to see me cry), walked right in and immediately started playing with toys and play dough. I can't believe she is going to preschool. This is the beginning of the next 18+ years of education... Here she is at home in her first-day-of- school outfit. She looks so happy.I can see the fear in her eyes in this picture in front of her preschool. It will be an adjustment for us all to have her gone. Dylan and I ran errands after dropping her off on her second day and he kept climbing into her carseat. I think he missed her, as did I!


Elizabeth said...

Awesome!!! I love when they get to start school. It is a good thing for everyone. :)

Amy said...

She looks soooo much like you in that last picture.....priceless. Just wait until they are both in school all day....ahhhh!!! JP and I still don't know what to do with ourselves.

Mom said...

How can she be that grown up?? I'm glad they have these opportunities that help prepare them for school AND give their moms a break!! :)

Mike and Laura said...

I love her face in the last picture. She is such a perfect blend of you and Jeff! I can't believe she is in school! Yay!