Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jeff's 1st Marathon

After months of looking for a marathon to run, Jeff finally decided on the Lake Chabot Trail Marathon--a grueling course with 2600 feet in elevation change. It was the day after his brother's wedding. With a blood soaked shirt, Jeff crossed the finish line. He earned a 2nd place medal for his age group and placed eighth overall, even with a 2 mile detour.Miniature JeffJeff's fan club


Elizabeth said...

Way to go Jeff!!! That is such an awesome and major accomplishment. Now, let's plan a race in Utah together. Awesome job!!!

Alyssa said...

Wow! What an amazing task to accomplish! Great job!

Amy said...

Good Job Jeff!!!! WOW, what an accomplishment. You did great for your first marathon. I'd say JP would love to run the next one with you, but I think he is still recovering from his first marathon as well!!!

Mom said...

Dylan is really showing some form there!! What a doll, and what an accomplishment for Jeff! What's next?