Thursday, June 2, 2011

Spain Day 5--Granada

The Alhambra (Red Castle/Fortress) is a Moorish network of lavishly decorated palaces and irrigated gardens completed during the 1300's.The Nasrid Palaces are the most impressive. M. C. Escher visited in 1922 and the Moorish use of symmetry in the Alhambra tiles inspired some of his work. This is in the Mexuar, which was later converted into a chapel. Patio del Cuarto DoradoPatio de Comares--so peacefulSalón de ComaresPatio de los Leones (under construction)--we were able to see the 12 marble lions in another area where they had just been restoredSala de AbencerrajesView of GranadaI love wisteria!My poor sister fadingFascinating irrigation systemPalacio de Carlos V begun in 1527AlcazabaView of the Sierra Nevada mountainsGeneralife, a soothing arrangement of pathways, patios, pools, fountains, topiary gardens, tall trees, and flowers. After walking through here, Jeff had a lot of ideas for our future backyard. It was so peaceful and serene through this area; I could have spent another day here.Escalera del Agua--water flows along the shaded staircaseWe ended the day in Granada at a churreria. It took us the entire week to figure out that "churros y hot chocolate" are served at 5pm, no earlier and no later. This is the time when the city and plazas wake up after siesta. The chocolate is thick like fondue and not sweet--perfect for dipping churros! Yum!If you are still reading this, you made it to the end of our trip! Did you feel like you were there? Sorry, I don't want to forget the things I learned and the feelings I had in Spain. It was a wonderful trip with Jeff and my sister and her husband. We were excited to come home to the kids and our new kitchen. Pics to come...

1 comment:

Jules said...

Hey Cara! It was so fun see all your posts on Spain. I felt like I re-lived our trip there through your posts:) except you guys had no kids, that's a real vacation:). And how fun you got to do the trip with your sister. Hope you guys are well.