Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Alameda County Fair

It's that time of year again when the county fair is in town! I know it's not the cleanest, most classy place to visit and take kids, but I love it. The fried zucchini, funnel cakes, ice cream, BBQ are perfectly fine a few times a year, right? The gray hot dogs? Not fine ever! We took Heddy and Oliver with us last night. Admission was free with four non-perishable items per person (kids under 6 are always free). Rides, on the other hand, are not free and non-negotiable. Each ride attendant seems to make up his or her own ticket "price" on the spot. Most rides we had to ride with the kids and pay whatever ticket price the attendant was asking, which could be what the kids have to pay or whatever the attendant decides. The kids had a great time though, so the $11 carousel ride was definitely worth every penny!Wake up, Oliver! The train is about to leave!Dylan didn't know what to think about the bleating sheep surrounding him.The kids loved the model train.It was so fun to watch the kids run around and have a great time. Jeff attempted to be hypnotized by Master Hypnotist Tina Marie, but was one of the first people to leave the stage because of his lack of hypnotization. There's always next year!

1 comment:

Brookie said...

was he seriously asleep?